§ 16. Removal of advertising display fixtures.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    The council, upon recommendation of the skyway governance committee, may order company to remove any advertising display fixture when it reasonably determines that it is no longer of any benefit to the public, that it impedes pedestrian circulation in the skyway system, or when it finds that maintenance is inadequate under section 17 herein. If the city requires removal of an advertising display fixture, the city shall give the company a reasonable period of time to remove the display fixtures thereon.


    If an advertising display fixture must be temporarily removed for construction done within the building or within the easement area, company shall, at its own cost, remove the advertising display fixture promptly when requested to do so by the city.


    If the company fails promptly to remove an advertising display fixture when ordered to do so by the council, the city may have the fixture removed within ten (10) days after written notice to the company, and the company shall pay the cost of removal or storage thereof.

(C.F. No. 93-1893, § 1, 3-2-94)