§ 131.120. Abandoned newsracks.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    A newsrack shall be deemed abandoned when no publication provided by a registered newsrack owner is in the newsrack for a period of more than thirty (30) consecutive days, or when the newsrack and location have not been included on a master list as required under this chapter.


    In the event a newsrack owner desires to voluntarily abandon a newsrack location, the owner shall provide notice to the director, including the month and the year that the newsrack was first placed on a master list, and the corresponding master list number, and completely remove the newsrack and restore the public right-of-way to a safe condition, leaving no trace.


    When the director shall find an abandoned newsrack on the public right-of-way within the city, the director shall cause a notice of violation to be placed upon it pursuant to the procedures established in section 131.110.

(C.F. No. 00-550, § 2, 11-22-00)